What To Expect on Sunday Mornings:
It can feel awkward joining a large group for the first time and even be a bit intimidating. We want you to feel right at home with us on Sundays. So here are a few questions and answers we hope will make you feel more at ease…
What time does the Sunday worship gathering start?
If you desire to join us for our Sunday school hour (from September through May) we begin at 9:30am. We have classes for all age groups. When you enter the main building (the first building on the property) head down the stairs and you will find the Check-in table and be directed where you can go. Teens and younger meet down stairs, while Adults (depending on the class meet upstairs or downstairs). We encourage you to come a bit early so you can find the right place to go.
If you wish to only join us for Worship, we begin worship at 10:45am in the Main building. You might want to arrive a few minutes before start time to park, find a seat, etc. If you are joining us during the Summer months (June-August), our worship time is 9:30am.
What should I wear?
Don’t go out and buy some special church clothes. A good way to think about this is “modest that fits the occasion.” No need to get dolled up like we are going to a ball or prom, but also maybe a bit more than pajama pants. Find something in your closet or on your floor, for those of you who are in college, that you are comfortable wearing and join us for worship.
Which building do I enter?
The “worship” or Main building is the first building you encounter as you enter the parking lot. It is the more traditional “church” looking building (i.e. Steeple, stained glass, etc.). The second building is our Family Life Center with multi-function abilities. We often hold special dinners, programs, etc. in that building. Restrooms can be found in both buildings.
Main Building Restrooms – Downstairs and to the left or upstairs through the front doors of the Main Sanctuary.
Family Life Center Restrooms- Right in the Main Foyer.
Where do I park?
Anywhere you would like. If you park on the opposite side of the Main building (you will have to drive between the buildings to get there), you will have to walk around the building to enter the main doors. We keep all other entryways locked for security purposes.
Where do I take my children?
The Children’s Sunday School program for Pre-K through 5th grade as well as our Jr and Sr High Sunday School is downstairs in the Main Church Building.
If you are coming for Sunday School, go right downstairs to check in your child. Check-in is only necessary if they are under 12-years old. We need to have a permission slip filled out with approved individuals listed to pick-up children. We will not release children to unapproved adults. We do not currently have a Sunday School Nursery for children under 2, but they are welcome to join their parents in Adult Sunday School. Pre-teen and Teen groups also meet downstairs, so take a right down the hallway and they meet in the last two classrooms.
If you are attending Worship then head right upstairs, be welcomed, and find a seat. Children (Ages 4 – 3rd Grade) join us during the singing and then are invited down front for the Children’s Message. If this is your child’s first time with us, then we ask that a parent accompany the child downstairs to sign them in. We also have a Nursery open during the service for children younger than preschool (Age 4 and under and/or not yet potty trained). It is located downstairs from the main entry and to the right.
Where do I sit in the meeting room?
You are welcome to sit anywhere you would like. No one has an assigned seat for you to take away. Please consider yourself our guest.
Will I be asked to introduce myself publicly?
No; we promise to not single you out or draw attention to you in any way. We’re just glad you have decided to join us.
Am I expected to put any money into the offering plate as it passes by?
Please consider yourself to be our guest. Those who call our church their home support what we do by giving on a regular basis. You are more than welcome to either participate or to let the plate pass by.
What if I have a different question than what is asked above?
We’re glad if you do! Feel free to contact us or visit our Facebook page to contact us.